Back Pain-Ayurveda to the rescue

Every individual born as human would have suffered from some type of back pain at least once in his/her lifetime. Whatever be the causative factor like food, posture, systemic injury etc–the pain is unbearable and really uncomfortable thereby disrupting one’s normal routine and work. With our modern lifestyle and activities, neck pain, middle or mainly lower back pain may be just because of a muscle or ligament strain or arthritis or inter vertebral disc degeneration or other kind of injury as well. Generally rest and mil exercises will relieve the pain and stiffness but sometimes it may require external interventions and treatments. Ayurveda considers our back and back bone as a n important part of our body which supports and manages the whole system and body. Various treatments and panchakarma therapies are advised along with internal medications, lifestyle changes and exercises (yoga) for preventing further damage to the back.

Before we go into why we get back pain, let us get to know a little about how our back works and its main functions.

Our back is an important and crucial area of our body, not only for our posture and movement but also as a connection between the central nervous system and rest of the body, upper and lower limbs and other systems as well. Lying between the neck and the pelvis, the spine inside the vertebral column is a very very important structure in our body and this is situated in the back. Consisting of bony structure, muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons, the spinal cord is safely held in the vertebral column in the back. With a flexibility that can be improved or worsened, the back acts like a boundary wall for the various vital organs of the chest and abdomen. The primary movements of the the back includes flexion/extension, lateral bending and rotation of the trunk. All these movements are facilitated by the various deep and superficial muscles which also help in holding the upright posture of the back. Along with these functions, the muscles also facilitates the movements of the upper and lower extremities.

Other than the major groups of bones and muscles, the major part sheltered or present in the back is the spinal cord. The spinal cord is the part of central nervous system which creates a connection between the brain and the extremities. The information is passed on to and from the brain to the other parts of the body. The delicate group or bunch of nerves starts from the brain and extends caudally and is very well protected by the bony vertebral column.

The healthy human spine has three natural curves and is S shaped. These curves act as shock absorbents. Anatomically the spine is divided into 05 divisions-cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum and coccyx. Spine has several important functions which include:

  1. Giving shape and structure to the body
  2. Supporting the body posture
  3. Protecting the spinal cord
  4. Facilitating the movements and flexibility

Such an important part and how well do we take care of it–it constantly undergoes wear and tear and is constantly under the risk of injuries.

Some of the most common conditions that affect spine health include:

  1. Arthritis and conditions like ankylosing spondylitis.
  2. Sprains and strains to the back
  3. Genetic aor birth defects
  4. Conditions like scoliosis and khyphosis-curvature defects of the spine
  5. Neuromuscular diseases-lateral sclerosis
  6. Injury to the nerves-spinal stenosis, sciatica, pinched nerves
  7. Osteoporosis
  8. Spinal cord injuries-fractures, paralysis etc
  9. Spinal tumor and cancers
  10. Spine infections like meningitis, osteomyelities etc
  11. Kidney stones, pregnancy, PMS or during MC in women.

Back pain is one of the most commonest symptoms of any of the above conditions. Ranging from a muscle ache to a shooting burning or stabbing sensation, radiating to the lower limbs or tingling/numbness in the finger/toes, back pain can be worsened by bending, twisting, lifting, standing or even walking. Back pain can be considered serious if associated with trouble urinating or weakness of legs, fever or weight loss (unintended).

Though anyone can have a back pain some of the risk factors which increase the risk of one getting back pain include:

  1. Fintness level–most common in people with low fitness levels.
  2. Weight gain
  3. Job related risk factors-heavy weight lifting, pulling, twisting etc, lond distance travelling
  4. High stress levels and poor sleep patterns.
  5. Age-common as one grows, especially after 45
  6. Hereditary-plays a major role in developing back pain.

In modern science, some of the common treatment protocols includes:

  1. Medications (anti inflammatory, pain killers etc)
  2. Injections (epidural steroids, nerve blockers)
  3. Spinal surgery
  4. Traction, stabilization etc

Ayurved, the ancient lifestyle science has reference to the back and its diseases or pain in various names. The common names by which the back or spine is referred to are Kati, Prista, Trika, Anuka, etc. Stories of the spine or Prista of Dadichi maharishi being so strong that it was made into a weapon and is being used by Lord Indra in the heaven is well known.

Prishta, Kati, Trika-are the various names by which the back and hip joints are known as. The diseases/conditions affecting the upper part of the spine and surrounding areas are considered in Urdwajatrugata rogas or diseases above the neck region. Trika sandhi or kati is considered as the sthana or seat for Vata & various diseases are mentioned as Vataja diseases or diseases caused by vata imbalance. Trika and kati are given great importance as they protect many of the vital organs and marmas like bladder, uterus, reproductive organs etc.

Ayurveda-the science of life believes that the whole of the human body is made up of, controlled and maintained by the 03 doshas and supported by 07 dhatus. The spinal cord, the vertebral column and the back are also made up of these doshas and dhatus. The ras dhatu provides nutrition, rakta provides circulation of nutrition, mamsa provides the muscles, ligaments and tendons, the fat which protect the spinal cord and the nerves is by the medo dahtu, the verterbral column -vertebrae and cartilages are from the asthi dhatu, the neural tissue from the majja which forms the inter vertebral discs.

The 03 doshas-Vata causes movements, Kapha holds the spine and Pitta directs the movements.

So as we can see, the back and the spinal area has the involvement of all the 03 doshas and 07 dhatus. Any imbalance in any of the dhatus or doshas, leads to various conditions of the spine. The back and spine have a complicated structure and thereby the treatment of various spinal problems hit a road block but with Ayurveda these conditions can be effectively treated and cured. Ayurveda primarily works towards achieving and maintaining the natural balance of the doshas and dhatus of every individual. This approach makes sure that the spinal health is maintained and any imbalance is healed and cured.

Gridhrasi, Katigraha, Katishoola are some of the important diseases mentioned in Ayurveda. All these are considered as vataja diseases or diseases caused by vata imbalance.

The treatment protocol for any of the diseases both for prevention and cure includes nidana parivarjana(remove/avoid the causative factors), dosha balancing by removal of excess/vitiated doshas by panchakarma chikitsa, Samsarjan, exercise and diet regimen.

In case of any of the back related conditions or diseases, the main dosha vitiated is Vata and therefore all the therapies and treatments are targeted towards balancing the Vata dosha. Vata vitiation causes severe dryness and hence severe pain and degeneration can be observed. treatments include procedure to counteract the dryness and cleanse the system of the vitiated vata.

External treatments like Abhyangam, Pinda swedas, Pichu, Kati vasti, etc are very effective in reducing the pain and inflammation. They also improve the circulation and reduce the stiffness and other symptoms experienced by the patient. Along with these treatments, the most effective panchakarma cleansing therapy of Vasti is also advised. Combination of Anuvasana vasti and Niruha vasti is advised by the doctor according to one’s condition and severity. Vasti cleanses the colon and strengthens the nervous system. Vasti also stimulates the liver and other organs to detox the body of various toxins, ama and free radicals thereby reducing the inflammation and vata imblance in the body. Vasti is said to be one of the best panchakarma chikitsa in Ayurveda. Done under the supervision of experienced physician vasti or enema therapy strengthens not only the spine and back but also the entire body and makes sure that the nervous system and vata are in perfect balance.

Some of localized treatments and specific Ayurvedic medications also he;p to keep the symptoms of various conditions of the back in control but vasti helps to eliminate the cause & cure the disease completely. diet and lifestyle changes are also very important. A well balanced diet according to one;s prakriti and imbalances helps heal the body and maintain health and wellness. If the spine or the back is injured and inflamed then certain activities are to be avoided especially rigorous exercise, travelling on two wheeler, lifting weights etc. Yoga an d specific asanas helps to reduce the pinching of the nerves and set right the slip disc as well but they should be performed under the supervision of an experienced yoga instructor.

The spine and back bone, the most important part of our body, must be taken care of very carefully and nicely, so that we can participate or perform all our activities effectively and become the back bone of family, society and our nation. Prevention is always better than cure.

Take care, keep healthy & well.

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